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We can Live in Harmony with Nature!

As a nature lover, coming to Cabo Serai has been an absolute delight! On my first morning there I woke up to a purple sunbird chirping on a tree right next to the balcony, followed by a host of beautiful butterflies fluttering around the hibiscus bush.

That morning set the tone for the next few days at the resort. The nature walks at Cabo Serai were brilliant.

From langurs to white bellied sea eagles, and brahmini kites, it was such a treat. The icing on the cake for me though was watching an entire pod of dolphins jumping in and out of the ocean right in the middle of our walk!

And the views – the views were to die for! From panoramic views of the ocean to the bright green meadows and rocky cliffs, I has seen nothing like it in all my years of travelling across coastal locations in India. This was super unique.

It was so great to see how all the staff at Cabo Serai prioritize the natural world, and prove that we can live in harmony with nature! This place is truly a sanctuary for city dwellers, nature lovers and for all the animals that inhabit this haven with the Cabo family.

